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PowerReady Medium-Heavy-Duty Pilot Program

See if you qualify for incentives to cover a portion of costs for installing Medium- Heavy-Duty (MHD) vehicle charging infrastructure.

Submit an Application
EV charging


To encourage the development of MHD vehicle charging infrastructure, we are offering incentives that can cover up to 90% of the utility-side make-ready costs and up to 50% of customer-side make-ready costs for qualifying sites.

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What’s Eligible

Eligible utility-side make-ready costs include traditional distribution infrastructure, such as step-down transformers and overhead service lines.

Eligible customer-side make-ready costs include meter pan and wiring, step-up transformer, electric panel upgrades, wiring, and eligible soft costs.


To be eligible, you must:

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  • Receive or plan to receive electric service from Con Edison. 
  • Provide charging for vehicles over 10,000 lbs. GVWR. 

Utility-side make-ready incentives (up to 90%)

Must be publicly accessible or participating in one of the following voucher programs:

Customer-side make-ready incentives (up to 50%)

Must either be publicly accessible or participating in a qualifying voucher program (see above) while located entirely within, partially within, or adjacent to a Disadvantaged Community (DAC).

Check DAC Eligibility

If you’re not sure if your site is located in a DAC, please:

  • • Watch the video tutorial on the Hosting Capacity and System Data Map page
  • • Open the Hosting Capacity Web Application and select the “Electrification (Formerly EV Charging)” tab
  • • Select the blue “Layer List” icon
  • • Select the “Disadvantaged Communities” layer by checking the corresponding check box

Type in your site address to determine if the address is located within the gray-shaded area that represents the DAC area.

Incentives Available for Private or Public Charging Stations

All private charging stations must participate in one of our qualifying voucher programs to be eligible for incentives. Private charging stations located within, partially in, or adjacent to a DAC* are eligible for a higher tier of incentives.

Private Charging Stations

Private Charging Stations in a DAC
Publicly Accessible Stations

Utility-Side Costs:

Up to 90%

Utility-Side Costs:

Up to 90%

Customer-Side Costs:

Not eligibile

Customer-Side Costs:

Up to 50% or 490 kW cap

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Get more details on program eligibility, budget availability, and how to participate. Email Us.

Additional Incentives

MHD EV charging infrastructure program savings can be stacked with voucher programs (required for private sites) and other Con Edison programs.

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Costs Covered*


New York Truck Voucher Incentive Program  (NYTVIP)

Costs Covered*

Eligible Vehicles. Learn More


Environmental Protection Agency Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles (EPA CHDV)

Costs Covered*

Zero-emission vehicle, infrastructure, workforce development, project implementation. Learn More


Environmental Protection Agency Clean School Bus Program (EPA CSB) 

Costs Covered*

Eligible school buses and charging infrastructure. Learn More


New York School Bus Incentive Program (NYSBIP) 

Costs Covered*

Eligible vehicles and charging costs. Learn More


New York City Clean Trucks Program (NYCCTP)

Costs Covered*

Eligible vehicles. Learn More


New York State Tax Credit for Public and Workplace Charging   

Costs Covered*

A tax credit of up to $5,000 for the purchase and installation of an electric vehicle charging station. Learn More


Smart Charge Commercial (SCC)

Costs Covered*

Earn cash for charging at off-peak times. Learn More


Smart Charge Tech (SCT)

Costs Covered*

Receive cash incentives for eligible load management technologies on commercial EV charging stations. Learn More

*Please refer to the program sites for the latest information on eligible equipment and funding amounts.


Submit an application

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