Smart Usage Rewards for Aggregators or Direct Enrollees
About Smart Usage Rewards
When energy demand peaks during the summer, you’ll help reduce strain on the energy grid and help ensure everyone has safe, reliable power when they need it most.
Enroll customers to earn up to $18,000 a year for every 100 kilowatts (kW) you reduce as an aggregator or direct enrollee.
Annual Open Enrollment Periods
May 1 to September 30
Enrollment Deadline: April 1
June 1 to September 30
Enrollment Deadline: May 1
Please note, if the deadline falls on a Saturday or Sunday, enrollments will be accepted until the following Monday.
How It Works
We’ll alert you to reduce your electric use in advance based on your program type.
Program |
Notifications |
Rewards |
Details |
Applicable Day |
Load Relief Period |
Program Commercial System Relief Program (CSRP) |
Notifications 21 hours prior to Planned events |
Rewards • Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, and Queens participants can earn $18/kW per month
• Staten Island and Westchester participants can earn $6/kW per month
• Earn a $1/kWh performance payment rate during events |
Details Events are generally system-wide, with each network having an assigned call window throughout the day. Conditions that trigger an event include forecasted peak demand or temperature variable. |
Applicable Day Weekdays only (Excluding federal Holidays) |
Load Relief Period 10:00 to 24:001 |
Program Distribution Load Relief Program (DLRP) |
Notifications 2 hours prior to Contingency events, or fewer, prior to Immediate events |
Rewards • Tier 1 Network participants can earn $18/kW per month
• Tier 2 Network participants can earn $25/kW per month
• Earn a $1/kWh performance payment rate during events |
Details Participants are generally called by network based on need. Conditions that trigger an event include being one contingency away from a “Condition Yellow” or an active voltage reduction by network. |
Applicable Day Weekdays, weekends, and federal holidays |
Load Relief Period 06:00 to 24:002 |
Program |
Notifications 21 hours prior to Planned events |
Rewards Rewards are determined based on $/kW incentive rate established in the Program Agreement through a competitive procurement process. |
Details Events are called similar to CSRP Events which are generally system-wide, with each network having an assigned call window throughout the day. Conditions that trigger an event include forecasted peak demand or temperature variable. |
Applicable Day Weekdays only (Excluding federal Holidays) |
Load Relief Period 11:00 to 23:001 |
Program |
Notifications 2 hours prior to Contingency events, or up to 10 minutes prior to Immediate events |
Rewards Rewards are determined based on $/kW incentive rate established in the Program Agreement through a competitive procurement process. |
Details Events are called similar to DLRP events. |
Applicable Day Weekdays, weekends, and federal holidays |
Load Relief Period 06:00 to 24:00 |
1 Load Relief Period is subject to change based on current year performance.
2 Events may be activated between the hours of 12:00 and 6:00 on a voluntary basis.
Participants receive monthly payments based on kW pledged and/or the amount of actual kilowatt hours (kWh) reduced. See how much you can make by participating in our electric programs.
Voluntary customers can be enrolled after the enrollment deadlines and receive $3/kWh performance payment rate during events.
How to Enroll
You can apply as either:
- an aggregator and directly enroll and oversee customers throughout our service territory, or;
- an individual customer who can pledge ≥ 50 kW.
To enroll, please email us the Electric Demand Response Application Form (PDF).
Need more information about our network of participating aggregators? See which services are offered by each participating aggregator.
Electric Program Resources

*The day-ahead forecast is updated daily in the morning and is posted for informational purposes only. We call events via official notification based on forecasts updated internally throughout the day.