Wastewater State Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit
While the energy industry continues to change as we transition to a clean energy future, our focus on the safety of the communities we serve never wavers.
We work closely with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) to manage our facilities with the highest standards of environmental sustainability, especially as it relates to our activities near local waterways.
The NYSDEC is currently conducting a technical review of Con Edison’s State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit application.
The permit allows Con Edison to discharge wastewater safely from its 59th Street steam station and take water from the Hudson River to cool equipment at our 49th Street substation.
About the Permit
We’re committed to working in a way that ensures the safety of our communities and waterways.
We test wastewater monthly to ensure that it meets the limits for pH and total suspended solids. And the river water used to cool cables at our 49th Street substation is returned to the river at a safe temperature set by the NYSDEC in our SPDES permit.
The application also includes two system improvements:
- An upgrade to the steam station’s demineralization system by adding reverse osmosis, which takes additional minerals out of the city water used to produce steam.
- The addition of a treatment that neutralizes wastewater and helps us meet the permitted safety limits.
With these additions and the renewal of our SPDES permit, we can continue to provide the safe, reliable service on which our customers depend.
Announcements and Presentations
Pier 98 Public Meeting for Community Stakeholders February 2, 2023
Pier 98 Meeting Announcement - February 2, 2023 (PDF)
Pier 98 Meeting Announcement (Spanish) - February 2, 2023 (PDF)
Pier 98 Presentation to Hudson River Park Advisory Council - September 13, 2022
Pier 98 Presentation to Manhattan Community Board 4 - September 8, 2022
NYSDEC Notice of Intent to Renew and Modify Permit
Published Notice of Con Ed Pier 98 Draft Permit