Contact Steam Service
Reach out with any questions or concerns.
For service-related emergencies, call:

We’ve proudly operated New York City’s steam system for over 140 years. If you have steam-related questions or concerns, please review the contact information below, and reach out to the appropriate person or team.
Service and Billing Questions
Steam Emergency
Use this number in case of an emergency or to schedule a turn-off or turn-on of service.
Steam Billing
Contact to ask billing questions and/or make a payment.
Steam Repair Service
Contact if your system needs service or repair.
Additional Services
Steam Business Development group
Interested in providing steam service in your building or talking to the team about your existing account? Contact us by phone at 1-212-460-2011 or email us
Steam Environment, Health and Safety Representative
Contact for questions about asbestos abatement and monitoring results.
Steam Ombudsman
Contact the ombudsman if you have questions or concerns after reaching out to the teams above.
Call 1-646-678-1872 or email