Apply for Steam Service

Who can apply?
- A new customer applying for steam service
- An existing customer requesting a duplication or relocation of service
- An existing customer who is modifying their service due to change in steam load
How to apply
- Read the How to Apply for New or Modified Con Edison Steam Service guide
- Read the Application Information (PDF)
- Complete the following forms:
- Application for Steam Service
- Steam Service Load Letter (A professional engineer retained by the customer is required to submit this load
letter detailing the summer and winter steam needs of the building.) - Point of Entry Determination for New Services
Next Steps
We’ll decide the steam service pipe size and steam meter sizes after the load letter has been received. Then, we’ll determine the type, size, make, and number of meters required.
You’ll then need to design and install (or modify) the steam meter station to meet our specifications. We’ll send the engineer you retain an Engineering Specification Package that details the our requirements for the new or modified steam service. This package will also include, if needed, the requirements for interconnecting a customer’s CHP facility to our steam distribution system