How to Become a Gas Supply Company for Con Edison
If you are applying for authorization to become a natural gas marketer in our service territory, you must:
1. Satisfy the New York State Department of Public Service eligibility requirements and forward the PSC authorization letter
2. Complete Parts A through D of the application for SC 20 Transportation Receipt Service (PDF). Parts E though F, which relate to balancing service options and firm transportation capacity requirements, may be submitted later when you’re ready to serve prospective SC 09 customers.
3. Complete electronic data interchange testing and certification requirements for all appropriate electronic data interchange transactions
4. Complete and return the Energy Service Company Listing (PDF), which includes marketing and contact information
5. Complete training on the transportation customer information system (PDF). Training can be scheduled during the certification process.
6. Approved energy service companies can also become eligible to offer consolidated utility billing within our service territory.
Please submit two original signed copies of each applicable requirement to:
Con Edison
Retail Choice Operations
Attention: Salvatore Flagiello, Section Manager
4 Irving Place, 9th floor SE
New York, NY 10003
Related Information
- Weather Norm
- Sales and Transportation Operating Procedures Manual (GTOP)
- Interruptible Customer Affidavit
- SC12& SC9 Application
- SC9 Firm Application
- SC9 Interruptible Application
- Agency Agreement