About the Hosting Capacity Platform
Whether you’re a customer, contractor, or developer, our interactive maps can help you identify potential sites for private generation. Our interactive portal can help guide decisions regarding the interconnection of resources.
Hosting Capacity Types
Capacity values include minimum and maximum levels, as well as existing private generation. The hosting capacity value, as listed on the map, is the maximum hosting capacity available without incurring system upgrade costs and prior to any infrastructure upgrades. This is meant to be an indicative value but is not a replacement for the Coordinated Electric System Interconnection Review (CESIR) process.
- Maximum hosting capacity typically at the most upstream location of the highlighted line section (the section closest to the substation).
- Minimum hosting capacity typically at the most downstream location of the highlighted line section (the section closest to the end of the circuit).
- Anti-islanding hosting capacity is the circuit hosting capacity according to the anti-islanding hosting capacity criteria used which represents 67% of the light load recorded at the feeder level.
- Network hosting capacity refers to the hosting capacity of underground structures.
- Non-network hosting capacity refers to the hosting capacity of overhead structures.
- Storage hosting capacity includes charging and discharging capacity values for the storage use case.
- EV load capacity shows the difference between rated capacity at the feeder head and the peak of the past year.
Network Level Hosting Capacity
Since 87% of load is served through underground low-voltage networks, Con Edison developed an approach around network level hosting capacity calculation and the data visualization strategy that leveraged the established overhead color and data schemes. The network level map allows the user to navigate different sections of a network by hosting capacity color and view existing and queued DG values. The squares on the network map are broken out by M&S (Main and Service) plate. The calculations for hosting capacity in those areas are based on the locational capacity of the distribution transformers that are geographically located in that area.
Overhead feeders are categorized as radial feeders. There are two types of radial feeders: Auto Loops and 4kV. We do not currently display network feeder locations.
System Data
Peak and Minimum Load Duration Curves
These network curves show a representative load profile of the forecasted hourly peak (maximum) loads and light (minimum) loads for the networks. The maximum (peak) load hourly profile curve and minimum (light) load hourly profile curve are plotted on a single graph along with the capacity (in MW) of the substation supplying that network. The substation capacity may also be supplying additional load for another network and/or radial load area.
Forecasted 8,760 Load Data
The 3-year, 8,760 network forecast utilizes the General Electric-Multi-Area Reliability Simulation (GE-MARS) program to modify the actual hourly loads from the previous year based on monthly energy distribution from the previous year, forecasted peak demand, and energy send-out. Con Edison uses the most recent actual hourly loads to capture the Distributed Energy Resources (DER) impacts embedded in the service area to develop the load shapes for the individual networks. We adjust the load shapes to the individual network peak demand and energy send-out forecasts, including the projected DER impacts, such that the forecast includes the impact of load modifiers. We provide localized 8,760-hour forecasts to assist developers in considering the application of DER in our service territory.
Note: 8,760-hour forecasts are for informational purposes. These forecasts have uncertainties, such as weather and hourly load curves, as well as the typical inherent forecasting error, including, but not limited to economic drivers, customer decisions and/or behavior, and forecasted DERs. Con Edison does not guarantee the accuracy of these informational forecasts.
Locational System Relief Value
Locational System Relief Value (LSRV) is one component of the Value Stack that makes up compensation for DER under the Value of DER Structure (PDF). The LSRV is an added credit for DER installations in eligible areas where the utility grid would benefit from additional generation capacity. LSRV areas will display a status of “Eligible” on the Hosting Capacity Map under “LSRV Area Information.” For more on LSRV, VDER, and the Value Stack, visit our Private Generation Tariffs page.
Aggregated Substation Data
As part of the Hosting Capacity Portal, we provide aggregated DG values at the substation level. These values are representative of the total amount of DG that is installed on the feeders and networks associated with the area substation. This data can be accessed by selecting a feeder or network on the mapping display and advancing to the associated data pane. Additionally, we have provided the peak substation load for the previous year.
Rest API Data
REST API access allows users to overlay the Con Edison Hosting Capacity Map data with their own GIS systems and mapping tools. The REST API endpoints are available within the “Rest API” tab on the Hosting Capacity map.
Note: This data is being provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for the established interconnection application process.