Become an Electronic Data Interchange Certified Distributed Energy Resource Supplier
Distributed Energy Resource Suppliers provide one or more Distributed Energy Resources—a broad category of resources including end-use energy efficiency, smart usage rewards, distributed storage, and private generation—and participate in a Public Service Commission–authorized and/or utility or distribution system platform–operated program or market.
Suppliers who meet these qualifications are subject to the Uniform Business Practices and must be certified in order to gain access to customer data using electronic data interchange. Suppliers can find the list of customer data that may be available through electronic data interchange in the Uniform Business Practices in section 2.C.C.
General Requirements
- Satisfy all requirements of the New York State Department of Public Service as indicated in the Uniform Business Practices Distributed Energy Resource Suppliers. Select applicants may need to forward an approval letter demonstrating the successful completion of the registration requirements.
- Complete the Data Security Agreement, including the Self-Attestation of Information Security Control and Third-Party Representative Agreement (if applicable).
- Email us your Data Security Agreement.
- Once we approve your Data Security Agreement, you’ll receive a confirmation email and begin the onboarding process.
Electronic Data Interchange Testing and Certification Requirements
- Find your Con Edison Connectivity Profile.
- Complete your Registration Form and Connectivity Profile.
- Sign and submit an original copy of the Statement of Electronic Data Interchange Readiness.
- Check your connectivity with Con Edison using the Guide to Connectivity Testing.
- Read the Testing Overview, which outlines the scope, approach, timing, and requirements for Phase III electronic data interchange certification testing.
Supplemental Guidelines
Find additional information about specific data segments in each transaction at Energy Service Company Electronic Data Interchange. Review the New York Department of Public Service current standards.