Your Guide to Rates
Learn what rates are, calculate your own, and find programs that can help you save.

About Rates
At Con Edison, we offer several rate options, so you can choose which works best for you.
On standard residential and nonresidential rates, your bill is based on the total amount of electricity that you use, which is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). You pay the same price per kWh no matter what time of day you use energy.
On time-of-use rates, you pay a lower price per kWh for energy used during off-peak hours and during non-summer months.
On a demand rate, through our Select Pricing or Smart Energy Plan, you are charged based on how consistently you use energy throughout the billing cycle. This is measured in kilowatts (kW). To maximize your savings on these rates, use large appliances and devices at different times (rather than all at once) and shift energy use to off-peak hours.
Calculate Your Rates
If you purchase electricity from Con Edison, you pay a market supply charge (per kilowatt-hour) and other supply-related charges. Use our calculator to determine these costs as well as to explore EV charging station costs, sub-metering costs, and more.
How to Save
Find the rate that’s right for you.
Time-Of-Use Rates
Save by shifting energy use to off-peak hours.
Select Pricing Plan
Save by using large appliances and devices at different times (rather than all at once) and shifting energy use to off-peak hours. This plan may be a good fit if you are a residential customer using a heat pump to heat and/or cool your home.
Smart Energy Billing Plan
Save by using large appliances and devices at different times (rather than all at once) and shifting energy use to off-peak hours when possible. For residential and non-residential customers.
Our Electric Tariff
The rates and terms under which Con Edison provides electric service are set forth in schedules (sometimes referred to as the tariff). Each rate year, a new tariff is filed with the New York Public Service Commission and made available to customers on our website.