How We Source Our Electricity
Your electricity makes a long journey, from source to destination, all for you to easily turn on your lights with the flip of a switch.
3.6 M
People Served
Square-mile service area
Miles of underground cable
Miles of overhead electrical wires
Getting Electricity to You
Transferring your electricity from its sources all the way to you requires lots of starts and stops along the way.-
1 Source
We source electricity from all over New York, whether it’s from solar, wind, or generating stations.
4 Area Substation
The voltage is stepped down for distribution.
2 Transmission Substation
Then, we step up the voltage for transmission over wires.
5 Transformers
The voltage is stepped again in preparation for its final stop at your home or business.
3 Transmission Lines
Nearly 128,000 miles of cables carry your electricity throughout the sourcing process.
6 Your Home or Business
Finally, the power makes its way to you, all with no delay, despite the journey.