Women in Nontraditional Jobs
At Con Edison, women work above ground in bucket trucks, below ground in manholes, and everywhere in between. Whether they’re general utility workers repairing electric cables, mechanics keeping our gas system safe, engineers developing cutting-edge new technologies, or control center operators keeping the lights on, we’re proud of the women who power New York.
Meet some of the women of Con Edison:

Marie Vaceannie, Distribution Splicer, Electric Operations
“I am responsible for maintaining, upgrading, repairing, and providing light and power to keep the city that never sleeps in motion 24/7. Being a part of it is a great, rewarding feeling.
These days, a job is a job. Once you are able and willing as a woman, you can do it. Look at me. I did! I wanted to do this, I went for it, and guess what? It's been 14 years and I am still doing it.
I must admit, it was very challenging at first, being around mostly men and feeling isolated at times. And yes, being a woman in a man's world can be tough. I believed in myself, stood my ground—and I am now respected by not just the guys at work, but the men and women outside the company.”

Jessica Barcco, Shift Supervisor, Substation Operations
"I manage and direct substation operators and personnel throughout Con Edison's 101 substation territories. My job is very challenging, yet rewarding at the same time. It requires a diverse skill set: the ability to multitask, problem solve, and communicate with several other departments, as well as with different levels of management throughout the company.
A typical work day is a 12-hour shift as part of a rotation that includes day shifts, night shifts, weekends, and the occasional holiday.
As a woman working as a substation supervisor in the electrical utility field which is predominately male, I am proud and enthusiastic to bring a level of diversity to the forefront. It is very gratifying to know that every one of my decisions affects not only my department, but the company as a whole by adding value and substance. These decisions are reflected in the company's bottom line and greatly impact our customers in a positive way."

Yelena Skorobogatov, Technical Specialist, Environment, Health and Safety
"My daughter once told me after looking at some pictures of my project sites: ‘So Mom, that's what you do: move dirt?’ As unglamorous as it sounds, she was right on point.
Yes, I manage moving contaminated soils and groundwater from properties so that they [can] be put to productive use. And when we can't move these unwanted materials, we place clean covers on top of them or put walls in the ground so that they can't move on their own.
What excites me the most about my work is seeing new beautiful buildings constructed on once-contaminated properties after my ‘dirty’ work has been completed."

Valerie Anderson, Operating Supervisor, Gas Operations
"In Gas Operations, sometimes the guys will not take you seriously until you flex a little muscle. The sledge hammer helps me flex.
As a woman in Gas Operations, people look at us as if we are unable to handle the heavy, dirty work. There is no way I will ever be as strong as a man. However, with the right tools I still get the job done."

Kerry McBride, Chief Construction Inspector, Construction
"I work in the field overseeing inspectors and contractors during the coldest winters, hottest summers, and most beautiful days of the year. This includes covering various stages of the construction of gas and electric work.
Part of my responsibility is maintaining and upgrading the company's infrastructure by carefully following rules and regulations. My team and I assure compliance with all standards and specifications.
This unique job involves work in several special projects and allows me to support both internal and external customers."