Fostering a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive (DEI) Environment
Our action plan builds on our continuing strategy to ensure a workplace that is open, inclusive, and diverse.
As we drive toward a clean energy future, we recognize that the work environment is also changing. We provide relevant and constructive educational opportunities, we support employees’ development by integrating DEI principles into our company culture, and we continue to build senior leadership’s commitment to supporting a workplace that achieves diversity, equity, and inclusiveness.
We introduced eight new DEI Conversational Toolkits in 2023. These resources provided managers and Local DEI Council leads with talking points, videos, and resources to facilitate DEI topics like:
- Inclusion In Action provides steps and strategies that can be implemented in the workplace to promote team cohesion, inclusivity, productivity, and more effective work environments.
- Psychological Safety reinforces that a psychologically safe workplace is both professionally and personally beneficial to our workforce. Employees also learn to understand the ways they can both recognize and influence an environment that is free of bias and safe for all.
- Overcoming Unconscious Bias – Cultivate Authentic Connections promotes awareness of what our unconscious biases are, why they exist, and how our brains automatically come up with these assumptions. The importance of embracing individual differences, creating open communication, and building authentic connections are all discussed.
Communicating and Engaging
Our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) positively impact our workforce by shaping employees’ experiences and creating events that celebrate our diversity within and across groups. The number of ERGs also grew: MILE (Muslims for Inclusivity, Learning, and Empowerment) formed to be a voice for the Muslim community and became our 11th group.
In 2023, our DEI groups sponsored celebrations, information sessions, virtual tours, and more. Nearly 5,000 employees are now members of one or more ERGs.
Employee Resource Groups of Con Edison |
Name |
Members |
Employee Resource Groups of Con Edison |
Name APACE ∙ Asian Professional Alliance of Con Edison |
Members 775 |
Employee Resource Groups of Con Edison |
Name BUILD ∙ Blacks United in Leadership and Development |
Members 415 |
Employee Resource Groups of Con Edison |
Name CapeABLE ∙ Individuals With Disabilities Advocating, Belonging, Leading, Engaging |
Members 173 |
Employee Resource Groups of Con Edison |
Name CLARO ∙ Hispanic Heritage Cultivating Leadership and Actively Realizing Opportunities |
Members 450 |
Employee Resource Groups of Con Edison |
Name Emerald Society of Con Edison ∙ Irish Heritage |
Members 800 |
Employee Resource Groups of Con Edison |
Name JADE Jewish Americans for Development and Empowerment |
Members 181 |
Employee Resource Groups of Con Edison |
Name LGBTQ+ |
Members 205 |
Employee Resource Groups of Con Edison |
Name MILE Muslims for Inclusivity, Learning, and Empowerment |
Members 174 |
Employee Resource Groups of Con Edison |
Name Moms ON IT/Dads Matter |
Members 837 |
Employee Resource Groups of Con Edison |
Name Veterans of Con Edison, Inc. |
Members 595 |
Employee Resource Groups of Con Edison |
Name WOCE ∙ Women of Con Ed |
Members 383 |
Employee Resource Groups of Con Edison |
Name Total Membership |
Members 4,990 |